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These radical teachers are part of "neo-advaïta". It means their purpose is radical, getting rid of everything but ... nothingness !!

ANDREAS MULLER, Radical nonduality !

 JIM NEWMANN, as radical as Tony Parsons:

In this video Jim talks about "nothing apearing as this!" and other notions "this is it!"

Nonduality doesn't wait the number of years to witness : IZZY CLOKE talks about death of "me"! " there is no me" and "there is this happening, full stop!"


Does nonduality matter?

DAVID BINGHAM talks about self realization On ne peut importer la vidéo ici.

RICHARD SYLVESTER and TIM FREKE : Is there a Self or not ? Here is the discussion !! :

And another very interesting video where TIM FREKE discusses with RUPERT SPIRA, and a notable difference emerges in their respective approaches. Tim Freke believes that in the beginning, there is only an unconscious cosmic Being, and that the awareness of being emerges through the evolution of the universe, culminating (for now) in humans, through whose brains Being becomes aware of itself. Rupert disagrees with this view. And frankly, it’s enlightening to see how each of them conceives what is—consciousness, awareness, infinite Being, or the unconscious Being of the other, which regains its unity through the relationships matter offers it to weave. These slightly dissonant approaches give us the opportunity to grasp what might otherwise escape us due to a lack of comparison of such improbable notions and wisely remind us that words are highly limited when it comes to nonduality! The unthinkable, the unknowable, That-Which-Is—this is enough. Shut up now and just BE!

ROSE ROES: Quite simple ! Here it is ! 

KENNETH MADDEN exposes a radical approach of nonduality!

Another way to talk about that:


According to TIM CLISS, there is only "nothingness," not "wholeness." Likewise, there is no universal love, but rather a raw sense of non-separation. On top of that, the absolute (universal) principle couldn’t care less about humans, the world, etc., for the simple reason that, for it, there is no "other" than itself—so what??... It’s reminiscent of the Tao from our Chinese friends. The Self? Move along, you ignorant bunch!!!  ;)

 This podcast of TIM CLISS, second one, is pointing to the simplicity :

and finally Eckhart Tolle, the famous teacher ! "What is your purpose?"